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Amy Narishkin, PhD

Chief Executive Officer of Empowering Partners, LLC

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About Amy

With a PhD in Adult Education and 30 years' experience teaching, consulting and research, Dr. Amy Narishkin works with CEOs, management teams and those who take the lead in organizations to effectively implement the tools for cultural intelligence, collaboration and innovation. Dr. Amy is also a Certified Administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory®. As a cross-cultural talk leader and successful entrepreneur, she coaches leaders and organizations teams to transform environments where everyone feels valued, heard and engaged. To jumpstart your cultural intelligence, read her book or her latest blog, click here.

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Breakout Session

Correction to Connection: How Leaders Boost Productivity, Diversity and Collaboration with Cultural Intelligence

People won't speak up at work or in their community if they feel sidelined, especially those who have been historically silenced. In this interactive Workshop, participants discover how diversity, safety and belonging work when cultural intelligence is present. Participants will:

  • Uncover what trips us up when talking with someone who has a different perspective

  • Learn three tools you can use today to create genuine connection with another person without railroading them or diminishing ourselves

Nov. 28 Honors Room

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2023 by Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network

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